Sunday, December 29, 2013

fairytales and happy-ever-after

we as girls, we grew up believing in fairytales. happy-ever-after. i admit too, i wanted to have a prince charming who will come and rescue me and will love me for the rest of my life. but when you grow up, happy-ever-after disappear as well the dreamy prince charming because you will get to meet different people and its not the same as how we read it in the fairytales. so we intend to move on to a new read. the books for older people, and yet what ever the twist and climax of the story. it will kinda resort to having a good ending in which it doesnt apply in life most of the time. because what really happens after the happy-ever-after? what happens after the good ending? that is always the question, never asked because we are satisfied of what we had read and what had happened. and sometimes it will be just enough to compensate what really happens in real life. it will be enough to give us hope that someday, somewhere and someone will come and will make things right. i think this is what they are made of, hope, inspiration, love and dreams because no matter what, it doesnt matter if it will happen soon or not, the luck and the probability. we know and believe it will happen. it may be not now, but maybe later.. and only HIM who knows when everything is right..

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